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The most basic survival team starts at home.

Each person in the household is "assigned" a role that favors that person's abilities and propensities; even the children and the pets!


The survival team leader may not have to be the head of the household; especially if that person lacks expertise in prepping and/or survivalism.


Assignments based on expertise include:

Weapons Specialist

Security Specialist

Medical Specialist


Gardener / Farmer

Surveillance Specialist

Mechanic / Engineer

Communications Expert


It is vital to incorporate children into the survivalist group so each one can develop in the area that matches their affinity. Teens and older children can assist in harvesting food from the garden, caring for a pet, changing a tire and writing reports pertaining to area radio signals.


Pets are an invaluable asset to your survival team, as well. Here's a short list on how pets can increase your team's survivability rate:


1. Dogs can be used for security detail, fire rescue, home and perimeter surveillance and supplies carrier.


2. Cats can be equipped with surveillance cameras, be trained to send and receive valuable items and offer pest control that will limit the number of rodents and vermin from infiltrating your food supplies and gardens.


3. Carrier pigeons can bring stealthy messages from one location to the next.


4. Falcons and other birds of prey can hunt and retrieve food when edible resources grow scarce and be trained to attack an enemy, on command.


5. Horses can accompany someone on perimeter patrol and trail riding, transport an injured individual to safety and even assist with a swift, mounted archery or firearm attack when defending one's property.


As far as broadening your survival team "membership", trust is the most important factor when including "outsiders" into your team.


Factors to include "outsiders" are:

What can this person contribute?

What does the individual stand to lose?

What will that person potentially gain?

What could be the person's true intent?


Keep in mind that there are nefarious survivalist teams and prepper groups that only maraud, rob and steal from other survivalists. These people are known as marauders!



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