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LYNX - 2021 - LYNX LOGO NEW.png


Schedule soon to be announced!

These weekend events are an endeavor to restore vital wilderness skills to individuals 16 years old + who wish to gain the knowledge, the experience and the confidence to become autonomous, self-sufficient and truly independent in the wilderness.


Our experiences are designated as a "safe place" where there is no tolerance for judging another person's limitations or inabilities. We learn and grow, together. The Survivor's Bootcamp Weekend is segmented into a three-tier system.




This level is for those who want to be acquainted with the wild. Typically for urbanites, individuals are able to bring items that enhance their comfortability within a wilderness environment. These items may include a tent of any type, food and water brought from home, solar panels for energy production, an outdoor cooker, and other items as well.


This tier is meant to be motivational for each individual. Many individuals may not have ever spent any time in a wilderness setting and the key objective is to build confidence via self-motivation and a strong sense of achievement. Sample: [You can bring potato salad.]




This level is designated for individuals who have spent some time in the wild. On this level, individuals are limited in bringing various items that bring the ease of comfort to their wilderness experience. These items may include bringing tarp(s) instead of a full tent, bringing a portable water purifier instead of store-bought bottled water, bringing a firestarter kit instead of using an outdoor food cooker, and other items as well.


This tier is meant to be a bit more challenging than Tier One and encourages individuals to be more resourceful and rely on skills learnt in Tier One. Sample: [You can bring uncooked potatoes.]




This level is for individuals who have had a goodly amount of outdoor experience in the wild and/or those who have successfully passed Tiers One and Two in our Survivor's Bootcamp Weekend trials. Individuals are greatly limited in bringing items of comfort from home.


Items to bring include handsaws, axes and knives to cut young trees and branches to construct shelter, a campfire, and a firewall (a tarp can be brought to help retain heat for your shelter in colder weather); and paracord and/or cordage or use various vines found locally to secure construction.


Food and water are sourced strictly from the surrounding environment. The objective on this level is to master one's senses in the wild as well as optimize surrounding resources for one's survivalSample: [You must dig and find your own potatoes.]


These tiers are meant to provide participants with a healthy and engaging challenge. Achievements are non-competitive and are strictly based on individual triumphs and personal successes.


In addition, participants should have a valid firearm carrier's permit, fishing license and hunting license. As a side note, certain parks and forests may have varying State guidelines which may inadvertently place limitations on the range of activities designated for each Tier. Please consult your Local Chapter Leader for additional details.




Each Survivor' Bootcamp Weekend is a 3-day event; from Friday 12 noon to Sunday 3PM. It is intended that there be a maximum number of 24 participants per weekend event. Class details and specific schedule timing will be provided by your Local Chapter Leader.


FRIDAY 3PM: Meet & Greet and Set-Up Campsites

This day's objectives: (1) Area Assessment (Tiers 1-3); (2) Campsite Set-Up (Tiers 1-3); (3) Water Sourcing (Tiers 2-3); and (4) Food Acquisition (Tier 3).


SATURDAY: There are 3, 90-minute Survival Classes 

This day's objectives: (1) Attend all three sessions (Tiers 1-3); (2) Water Sourcing (Tiers 2-3); and (3) Food Acquisition (Tier 3).


Tier One Classes:

Fishing Basics @ 7AM / Bushcrafting @ 2PM

Shelter Construction, Campfire Construction, Water Sourcing

Tier Two Classes:

Animal Tracking, Foraging Basics, Raw Food Prep & Cooking

Tier Three Classes:

Wilderness Navigation, Wilderness First Aid, Small Game Trapping


SUNDAY: There are 2, 90-minute Survival Classes 

This day's objectives: (1) Attend both sessions (Tiers 1-3); (2) Water Sourcing (Tiers 2-3); (3) Food Acquisition (Tier 3); and (4) Campsite Break-down (Tiers 1-3).


Tier One Classes:

Archery Targeting Basics @ 9AM / Field Firearms Practice @ 1PM

Tier Two Classes:

Big Game Hunting w/ Firearms, Bowhunting

Tier Three Classes:

Bowfishing, Self Defense: Hand-to-Hand Basics & w/ Small Weapons




Upon completion, of the Survivor's Bootcamp Weekend, on any tier are the following: (1). Comfortability and acclimation to the great outdoors; (2). Learn, develop and enhance a survival skill set on a personal level; and (3). Attain the confidence, autonomy and self-reliance necessary to survive in the wild.

$ 249 adults

$ 149 teens

includes access to all amenities and facilities, 4 classes and 3 books for personal growth!

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Send your payment to either CashApp or PayPal. Screenshot your transaction and e-mail it to us at We will send you the disclaimer form which must be signed prior to participation. Our reply will serve as confirmation of your payment as well as your receipt.

Click on the Let's Go button and you'll be sent to the Contact Us page where you can scroll down and fill out the contact form for future mailings!

INFO - Please note the following:

1. This event is only for individuals 12 years old and up.


2. Each participant 16 years old + must have a valid State of Georgia fishing license. A maximum of 24 persons can attend this event.


3. This is a TIER ONE event; meaning participants can bring a tent, food and water from home and portable energy devices. Restrooms are available on-site.


4. Pricing is $249 for each adult (18 + years old) and $149 for anyone 12-17 years of age and includes 48 hours of use of the campsite and area facilities, 4 training classes, 3 books for personal study, a discovery packet and unlimited use of all amenities.


5. A disclaimer form must be signed stating that each participant is in good health and is responsible for their own well-being along with any minor that he/she is accompanying to this event.

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