From the Military Suicide Research Consortium, "Suicide within the military has soared since 2005 as the military has waged two wars at once, and this year may set a record".
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Of the 33 reasons why soldiers wanted to kill themselves, the 72 soldiers who were asked by researchers overwhelmingly said they want to end intense emotional distress.
Lynx Survivalist is dedicated to offsetting and mitigating the underlying distress faced by many veterans by offering purpose to their lives that includes training civilian youth how to utilize survival skills in the wilderness and prepare for emergency situations at home in order to quell their emotional pain, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
We realize the array of challenges are complex; however, we believe that we can offer hope, purpose, activities that offer a sense of achievement and overall comradery among the veterans who participate in our events.
If you're a veteran and you'd like to volunteer time teaching youth about wilderness survival skills and strategies, click here!
You can help by supporting Lynx Survivalist and the Veterans Administration as we implement innovative modalities of therapy, treatment and research.
Click here to make a tax-deductible contribution to stopsoldiersuicide.org today!