So, what is prepping? We define prepping as the practice of stockpiling preparation items for a possible calamity, crisis or emergency.
We segment prepping into two main categories:
General Prepping &
Specific Prepping
Let's briefly discuss each one.
In a nutshell, general prepping is making preparations for any and all possible scenarios that involve natural devastation, societal collapse, financial crashes, war and disease.
Stashing items is long-term and is considered by many to be a lifestyle. The "prepper" within this category has made it his/her goal to be prepared for anything!
Conversely to being prepared for everything, specific prepping is having the readiness to face one specific event; whether it's tornado readiness, the loss of a job, house fire preparedness, or a national EMP blackout event. Items stored are more-than-likely targeted towards a specific event.
The "prepper" within this category has made it their objective to be prepared for what he/she perceives as the most likely event to occur.
There is another way to approach the concept of prepping. We have developed a hierarchy of readiness that illustrates how, essentially, everyone is a prepper, whether they realize it or not.
The hierarchial chart above shows that we have designated 5 levels of readiness on how individuals can prep for various scenarios.
Listed above are brief examples illustrating how each level is different from the other.
This is what most people do everyday when running errands at the grocery store, the dry cleaners, the bank and post office. The need is usually immediate and not much is planned in advance by way of storing, saving and preserving.
It is absolutely essential that you and your family prepare for more than the basics!
For many people, the concept of prepping seems either too nebulous or too daunting of a task. Here at Lynx Survivalist, we make it simple and make the approach step-by-step.
To purchase prepping gear for you, your family, your home, your EDC bag and your car; please shop at our online store. Simply click on the icon at the right!
Pets must be prepped, too! Don't let your pet go bare without the essentials. Peruse our Prepped Pet Shop by clicking on the icon at the right.
The following prepping skills are to be learned at our WILDERNESS ACADEMY!
To learn more about prepping and the skills necessary to greatly increase your survivability at home, sign up for the Home Prepping class in our Wilderness Academy. Click to register!