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The prophet Noah knew that when the masses of people scoffed at him and his sons for building the ark, he would have to be mentally tough for the outcome.


As the story went, when the first drops of rain came, so did the animals. Soon afterwards, the people who ridiculed him for decades had suddenly scrambled for entry into the ark.


The prophet Noah had warned the people to prepare - that a great and mighty flood would soon come. Their ears went deaf to his words; and such as it is - today!


Even in the face of a "pandemic" and possible war, "It doesn't take all that" and "the government will save us", they say. Well, we know better. Even so-called family members who haven't invested a cent for prepping claim they will bunker in with us when the time comes. Our answer is - "Sorry, you should've prepared!"


Part of mental toughness is knowing the end from the beginning and sticking to the course laid before you. This requires resilience and grit. Mental toughness is "a state of mind".


In a SHTF event, how would you react if your loved one dies in a pandemic? Or if your son or daughter is drafted into the next war? Or if a tornado wipes your house and property off the map? It would not be the time to exhibit negative emotions as they can sabotage and worsen a given situation.


Your action changes your circumstances; for the better or for the worse. Learn to manage the stress associated with difficulty. The viewing lenses of mental toughness always looks beyond present situations and begins planning strategies that require courage, growth in the face of adversity and developing new life skills never learnt before.

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