Your Instructors
Sri O'Shinga RamaShinga
Master Teacher
Hassan Elijah
Master Teacher
Assistant Director
Al-Khem University of Hermetica
Kemetic Shamanism and Healing
This Master Class will mature the Ego through Higher Consciousness Training. Explore and comprehend your inner world with techniques and practices designed to activate and develop the psychic consciousness and spiritual faculties of our Being. Class sessions include:
1. Consciousness quickening or awakening the Psychic Body
2. The Aura or Radiant Body
3. Telepathy or Transmission of Thought
4. Vibroturgy or Psychometry (psychic sensitivity)
5. Metaphysical Healing
6. Mystical Sounds
7. Time
8. Space
9. Spirit
10. Soul
11. The Composition of Matter
12. The Vibrations of Spirit
13. The Vibrations of Matter
14. The Perception of Vibrations
15. Interpretations of Vibrations
The art and science of Healing will be thoroughly covered, along with the responsible use of Sacred Medicine and entheogens. Through our exercise, we'll discover how the elimination of suffering is measured, through the secrets of mental and physical health.
"We work on our shadow, that our inner child may heal and mature."
Concentration, Memory and Manifestation
No action is possible without the will. With the application of concentration, you'll learn to avail yourself to the use of the Prime Mover (the Will) to renew your strength. The techniques learned will allow you to consciously and instantly recharge your Life Force (centered in the medulla oblongata) from the unlimited supply of Cosmic Energy, as your body is like an electric battery.
The exercises for memory development will contribute to accelerated learning, which will, in turn, develop genius-level intelligence, over time. Also, the secrets of manifesting your visualizations will be practiced, and theory discussed.
Cardology and Alchemy of the Tarot
The ancient system of cards and the Circle of Life, was used by the magi of ancient Kemet to explore the mysteries of life and reunite with the sacred. The Elements (minor arcana) and Akasha (major arcana or symbolic hieroglyphs) will be explored in depth as we journey through their meanings and keys. This science is an excellent tool for inner work and healing.
Divine Guidance Ministry is dedicated to establishing and keeping the Peace, Dignity and Order of our community through higher consciousness education and the moral and spiritual perfectioning of the human being.
"Take the Steps to Illumination!"