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Outdoor Therapies, Inc. is a nonprofit organization formed in Georgia in November 2023 by identical twin brothers – one, an outdoorsman; and the other, a juvenile justice officer. The objective of Outdoor Therapies, Inc. is to improve juvenile behavior and reduce recidivism. This is accomplished by providing non-punitive services to troubled and challenged urban youngsters and juvenile delinquents between the ages of 14-21 by way of therapeutic, outdoor activities that also serve the sons and daughters of veterans.


Social trends reveal a growing number of veterans are facing more difficult times than ever before due to increased strain on economics that create greater challenges to maintain a high quality of life for veteran households; unchecked traumas and anxieties that are triggered by environmental and social variabilities by active officers and veterans alike, and the children of veterans are faced with having to cope with a parent whose persona may have "shifted" following combat.


The number of men and women who have faithfully served the United States through the armed forces who may suffer from PTSD, depression, and various other forms of anxieties, have yet to be accurately counted. Many of our beloved veterans stand in need of various therapies that improve a high sense of character and honor and restore the joy of living.

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To mitigate and offset suicide rates among U.S. Veterans, Lynx Survivalist, LLC has created Outdoor Therapies, Incorporated. Our approach is based on a plethora of scientific findings including: (1). Healthline Magazine published that spending time outdoors improves sleep, increases motivation, reduced depression, and stimulates overall mental health; (2). the U.S. Dept of Agriculture have concluded that "the physiological responses to being outside in nature is real"; (3). WebMD states that getting outside corrects one's breathing ability, decreases anxiety, promotes inner focus, strengthens immunity, encourages stronger social ties and improves creativity and the image of one's self.


In addition, recent social trends reveal that an unprecedented increased number of crime incidences generally involve an increased amount of overall anxiety and stress; whether it is environmentally based or biologically based or both. It is the combination of a tragic and traumatic upbringing; early exposure to violent behavior; experiences in abuse, neglect, addictions, abandonment, and genetically affected mental health challenges have contributed to the rise of violent behavior in children, teens, and young adults.


Target recipients to the Outdoor Therapies program include veterans and their families, and troubled youth who are young offenders that need advocacy and intervention. The Outdoor Therapies program is a composite of quality time spent outdoors, role modeling, professional counseling and individual training. An ethical standard is maintained so each recipient will feel as if they are in a safe space. We maintain adequate adult supervision for each scheduled activity.



Nestled in eastern Alabama, the activities available by Outdoor Therapies, Inc. include the following:

1. Gardening - planting and tending to vegetables, fruit, herb and flower seedlings until harvest, learning patience and a greater appreciation for food,

2. Hiking - physical use of core body faculties for extended distances,

3. Foraging - finding natural resources used for food, hunting, shelter and fire-making,

4. Camping - setting up a functional campsite; setting up tent, campfire, fire wall,

5. Fishing - learning to set up a fishing line; casting, reeling, and catching fish,

6. Birdwatching - observing and identifying birds and other animals within a specific ecosystem, appreciating various life forms,

7. Kite Flying - navigating the use of the wind to make a kite fly,

8. Navigation - learning the use of maps, a compass and natural / living things to find one's way out of the woods,

9. Geocaching - locating and finding hidden items,

10. Nature Art - using natural materials for creative expression,

11. Kayaking - use of rowing action in a kayak to a destination,

12. Swimming - physical use of core body faculties in water for a distance,

13. Bushcrafting - setting up shelter and other life necessities from natural resources,

14. Wilderness First Aid - use of natural materials to treat various wounds and injuries,

15. Campfire Cooking - cook foraged edibles as well as fished or hunted game,

16. Meditation & Deep Breathing - learning to focus inwardly, improving self-image,

17. Yoga & Tai Chi - learning inner balance, focus, and discipline,

18. Wind Instruments & Musical Beats - synchronizing your harmony with nature,

19. Crystal Reiki Healing - balancing one's being with nature,

20. Mine Crafting - uncovering crystals and rare stones native to the land,

21. Nature Journalizing - writing one's personal experiences and feelings while in nature,

22. Fire Crafting*** - creating fire from various tools and materials,


The following activities are reward-based following a clear demonstration of trust, maturity and measurable progress.


23. Archery*** - using a bow and arrow to hit a distant target, learning inner focus,

24. Self Defense*** - physical use of one's extremities to defend oneself, and

25. Marksmanship*** - use of various firearms for targeting, learn relaxed breathing.


*** Activities will be assigned to individuals on a case-by-case basis.

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Life management skills are essential for individuals to incorporate following this program. Therefore, recipients learn money management skills along with time management skills and test-taking skills to mitigate the challenges of school and life, in general.



ā€‹Another feature to our program is drug prevention, intervention and rehabilitation. We actively address the existence of a drug culture and how young people must acknowledge how they personally confront stress. Mitigating and neutralizing the motivators for an individual to use drugs and alcohol is the beginning.


We have strategies whose aim is to prevent the onset of substance use, whether it's illegal or medical prescription, including - information dissemination, problem identification, alternatives, professional intervention, community involvement, and additional referrals. Our proposed outcome is to eventually bring the program recipient to a place of sustainable recovery.



1. The lives and livelihood of U.S. veterans and their families will be greatly enhanced.

2. The number of youth homicide and youth suicide will decrease.

3. The improvement made in the lives of all those involved in this program will be measurable and observed.

4. Lifelong skill sets will be enhanced and so will each person's quality of life.

5. Value will be added to outdoor living.

6. Positive correction will be achieved in a non-punitive manner.

7. Juvenile justice will be redefined through our program.

8. Outdoor Therapies, Inc. will be a quality resource for statewide juvenile justice programs.

9. Therapies used for the sons and daughters of U.S. veterans will be redefined through our program.

10. All participants will know a variety of survival skills that are practical for everyday living.


Our activities and their grouped components connect directly to our desired outcomes – improved behavior and reduced recidivism. The behavior we expect to see from our recipients after completing our program includes positive changes in their actions, habits and reactions that bring about personal growth and optimal well-being. We identify and bring resolve to the function or dysfunction that maintains problem behavior in our recipients and develop a successful support plan for positive behavior: socially, emotionally, and communicatively. We also expect our recipients not to relapse into criminal behavior resulting in rearrest.


We stand in need of your financial support as this will broaden our impact to help create individuals to become productive members of society. (* We are in the process of filing for our 501(c)3 and your current donation will not be tax-deductible.)


If your organization or department stands in need of our services, please contact us as soon as possible.


If you'd like to assist us in making this benchmark program a reality for those who stand in need of our services, contact us.

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