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To mitigate a disease is to minimize its spread and effectiveness. Here, we will delve into various ways to mitigate any illness while at home. This is not to negate the role of your family physician.


As soon as you've been exposed to an illness with the confirmation of a test; whether or not you are asymptomatic, call your doctor immediately for their professional advice.


However, if medical professionals are not available and you feel sick, you must quarantine yourself immediately. The purpose of a quarantine is to minimize transmission of a disease to anyone else.





The following safeguards ought to be observed in any home at any time:


1. Shoes worn outdoors must not enter the home unless sprayed on the soles with a disinfectant.


2. Once sprayed with disinfectant, shoes remain by the main entrance/exit door of the home.


3. A disinfectant floor mat must be placed by every door and each member of the household must place their shoes on the disinfectant floor mat.


4. A UV-lighting device should be placed at each entrance/exit of the home. Exposure to portable UV-lighting devices kills most pathogens on-site.


5. Visitors to the home must be greatly limited at all times.


6. Visitors must have their temperatures taken at the door prior to entry.


7. Hand sanitizers ought to present in each room of the home.


8. If any family member suspects exposure to any airborne or contact disease: (a). remove outer-layered clothing upon entering the home, (b). place those clothing items in a plastic bag and isolate for washing (either at home or sent to laundromat / dry cleaning), (c). shower in lukewarm water with disinfectant soap, and (d). monitor body temperature and symptoms for the next 14 days, if necessary.





The following steps ought to be considered when setting up a room for quarantine at home:


1. The room allocated for quarantine should have adequate ventilation; primarily a room with open windows and central air vents.


2. The use of all filters ought to be of HEPA quality and be able to filter out all pathogens, molds, dust, pollen and air-borne debris. This includes air ventilation systems, vacuum cleaners and portable ventilation units of any type.


3. Maintain a minimum distance of three feet (one meter) from any family member.


4. The quarantine zone should have a bathroom that is separate from all other family members.


5. Household cleaners of any type should have disinfectant properties to prevent secondhand infections and cross-contamination from doorknobs, handles, countertops and other surfaces. When cleaners are used, the surface should be allowed to air dry.


6. Minimize visitors to the house. The person under quarantine should have no direct interaction with anyone.


7. Frequent handwashing with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds is necessary.


8. Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.


9. All blankets, sheets, pillows, bedspreads, towels and clothing as well as utensils and dishes should be washed with warm water and soap. These items ought to kept separate for the quarantined individual at all times.


10. The quarantined person should self-monitor symptoms as they progress or recede, particularly body temperature using a thermometer at least twice a day.


11. Eat a nutrient-dense diet of food items (avoiding junk food altogether), drink plenty of water (avoiding sugary drinks), get ample rest, and engage in some level of physical activity.


12. Report any significant changes immediately to other family members, call your family doctor or call 9-1-1 for emergencies. Even if no ambulance can come immediately, a record of your call will be made.


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