In this beginner's module, you will learn about 100 different types of herbs, how each herb has been used throughout history, how each herb offers benefits to a specific body system, the toxicity potential and safety protocols for each herb along with an annual timetable as to when each herb is most viable for its intended use.
This online course has 12 hours of instruction time, an herbal diary inspection, a mid-test and a final test.
This course is available for each quarter; year-round.
Purchase your Course here!
This module is for intermediates who have a foundational base in herbology but want to gain additional insight in seeding and harvesting herbs indoors at home and in an outdoor garden. You will learn which herbs grow best in which climate, learn how to grow herbs from seed, sprout, plant parts and transplant; make a butterfly garden that welcome pollinators of various types as well as plant and insect interactions. Preppers and survivalists may find this class particularly interesting since students will be able to source their own herbs instead of purchasing manufactured products from elsewhere.
This hybrid course has 8 hours of instructional time, an herbal research & journal inspection, 2 live assessments of progress, a mid-test and a final test.
Spring, Summer, and Autumn quarters only.
Module One is a PRE-REQUISITE
This module is for intermediates who have a foundational base in herbology but want to gain additional insight in taking herbs in their raw form and produce products either for personal use or to sell. You will learn how to make various teas, powders, capsulation processes, tinctures, waxes for candles and soaps, and essential oil production for aromatherapy, hair, body and facial applications and deep tissue massage. Learn about body sensitivities and allergies as well as creating hypo-allergenic alternatives. We will also discuss legal ramifications when producing and selling herbal-based products.
This hybrid course has 16 hours of instruction time, an herbal journal inspection, 2 live video assessments, a mid-test and a final test.
This course is available for each quarter; year-round.
Module One is a PRE-REQUISITE
Purchase your Books here!
Visit Nature's Sunshine and use code #70658928 for instant savings on herbs and supplements!