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Since the beginning of humanity's story, when exchanges transpired, they took place in the form of a barter. The array of items bartered were items of value. An owned item was exchanged for another item that he/she needed. The same concept exists today.


In the world of prepping, we use bartering skills to acquire items that are rarely available. The skills involved in bartering primarily require the art of negotiation.


Listed below is a key list of getting the best deal when bartering.


1. You must have something that someone else considers valuable. You can also barter one SKILL SET for another SKILL SET or even barter an ITEM for HELP or assistance! Be creative when bartering and use situations to your advantage!


2. Know the true value of the item you are about barter. The item you think you won't need now, may be vital to you in the future!


3. Let the other person present the offer first. This way, you get to see how much that person values your item.


4. After the exchange, both people should feel that they received a good deal.


When the U.S. dollar finally collapses, bartering will be the only feasible way to exchange goods and services.


Let's begin with a few items we think you should NEVER barter:






Chances are you will definitely need these items; more sooner than later!


Now let's take a look at some listed items that will become popular for bartering:


Gold and Silver




Life Skills

To purchase prepping items for your home, car or for your EDC Bag, click on the shop to the right.



While the jury is still out concerning the inception of cryptocurrency, it has proven to become one of the fastest ways to turn a profit.


We strongly encourage you to participate in this economic revolution as quickly as possible.



Never risk more than you can afford to lose!


If you are a prepper or survivalist, it would be in your best interest to begin converting your cryptocurrency profits into gold and silver coins; preferably silver, since it is easier to exchange.



DIGITAL                 non-tangible

CURRENCY          currency


PAPER                   non-tangible

CURRENCY          currency


GOLD & SILVER       tangible




Do not allow this matrix to deceive you! The only REAL currency is a tangible collateral, such as precious metals.


In addition to real currency conversion, your cryptocurrency surplus can be used to stockpile supplies and materials in preparation for any type of emergency you deem as most important.


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